Welcome, to the Bad End Route - V3 SS 3

Thanks to Rain Missakara for donating! Sponsored chapter 4/4.


Volume 3, Side Story 3: Bad Selection, Broken Heart ~Fine Heaven~



Sunday morning. I managed to get up early before Hanae woke me up, and after getting ready, I spent some time in the living room.

It might have been because I couldn't sleep much, probably due to the incident with Reika yesterday still lingering on my mind.


Today, because I had plans with Umi, I still had time before I go out and have dinner with him.

So, I had to figure out what to do while waiting.

When I thought it was about time Hanae finished cleaning up, she approached me with an apologetic look on her face.


"Hey, Susumu. Do you have time right now...?"

"...What's up?"

"Can you help me study?"



When I asked for more details, she apparently wanted me to help her with follow-up exams.

To start, this was the first I had heard of follow-up exams. It seemed that it was remedial measures for those who failed in the midterm examinations.


"I-If I fail the follow-up exam, Susumu-kun will be in trouble, you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"If I fail them, I'll have to take make-up classes during summer break..."


I knew that, but how would get me into trouble?

I didn't really understand, but Hanae's following words cleared it up.


"I might not be able to wake you up in the morning or cook for you..."

"Ah, so that's what you mean..."


Certainly, it was no exaggeration to say that my current lifestyle depended on Hanae.

At first, I tried helping out in various ways, but every time I did, Hanae prevented me, so now I had completely left it all to her.

But that didn't mean I couldn't do it, either.

There were usually days where Hanae didn't come because she had other things to do.

Well, my condition on those days might not be that good, though.


"S-so, please? Can you help me...?"


―― Say it's a bother


I just wasn't in the mood to be studying right now.

In the first place, studying for a follow-up exam didn't sit well with me.

There wasn't any point in reviewing midterm coverage, even if it was for the finals.


"Sorry, I just need to clean my room first before I go."

"Ah...I see, I understand."


When I said this, a slightly disappointed Hanae took out a textbook out of her bag and placed it on the desk.

Thinking about studying made me want to do other things instead, and that was what seemed to have happened here.

I wasn't lying to her because I was only one who cleaned my room, and I didn't leave it to Hanae.

I headed back to my room, glancing sideways at Hanae as she began to stare at the textbook with a difficult expression on her face.





After I finished cleaning, I was lying on my bed staring at my phone when I heard a voice from Hanae saying that lunch was ready.

I went downstairs again and ate with Hanae.

After lunch, while we were having a relaxing conversation, I told Hanae about my plans for the day.


"Today, it's fine if you don't cook dinner."

"Is that so? Are you going out to eat?"

"Oh, it's because I might go together with Umi."

"...Is that so."


This exchange had taken place many times and was nothing special.

When I eat out, I let her know in advance, and even in cases where Hanae couldn't come, I still made sure to contact her.

So, just like usual, I thought this was the end of it.

But there was something strange with Hanae's reaction. She looked like she wanted to say something, but then withdrew her words, and this kept on repeating several times.


"...What's wrong?"

"Um...you know? That...today..."


As I waited for Hanae, who was having trouble saying what she wanted to in a stuttering voice, said something I didn't expect.


"―― I was hoping...if I could stay over?"

"Huh...? Stay?"


The thing she had trouble saying was this.

We talked about such things several times before. There were moments where I told Hanae to stay the night since it had gotten pretty late.

However, Hanae never did. No matter how late it got, she always went home.

Of course, Hanae never said she wanted to stay, either.

So, why all of a sudden? And why did she look so gloomy?


"W-why suddenly out of nowhere?"

"Um, it's...for s-study! I wanted you teach me how to study!"


What, so just that. It seemed like she was in despair for the retest after all.

I wondered if there was some deeper reason, but if this was the case, I could understand.


"Is it so bad that you had to go that far?"

"It's...really bad."

"When is the follow-up exam?"

"A little before summer vacation."


Then, she still had time. I wondered if it was worth it to cancel with Umi, even if she was my childhood friend.

Hanae staying sounded a bit interesting, but...I made a promise.


―― Keep your word


I felt sorry, but I had to go with the other. It was bit too sudden, and I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of a study session.

It seemed like there was still time before the retest, so I would teach her next time.


"Sorry, but I already promised someone today."

"Ah, yeah. That's why I'll come back after dinner..."

"No, I'm staying at Umi's house today, so I'm not coming home."



When I told her this, Hanae's expression cramped.

And then, for some reason, she started to panic and raised her voice in a hurry, which surprised me.


"Y-you're not coming home?!"

"Ah, yeah. If you want to study, I'll teach you next time."

"Is today...no good?"

"No, like I said, I already promised him."


After that, Hanae somehow desperately clung on to me.

Even if I told her she could stay over next week, she didn't react. I didn’t let up as she kept on saying it had to be today.


"Susumu-kun...―― please."


Finally, she looked like she was about to cry and begged me, which made me feel guilty, but I still didn't listen to her.

When Hanae asked me to let her stay over because she wanted help in studying, I told her that it didn't have to be today.


"I promised him a long time ago. Besides, do your parents allow you to stay at a guy's house?"


Even though we were childhood friends, I was also a guy of her age. I would be lying if I said I didn't have any lustful feelings for Hanae, even if she was always that close to me.

Not many parents would allow their daughters to stay at a guy's house their age.

But after I said that, Hanae's sunken expression was the most I ever saw.


"I don't know what my parent's...no, I understand. It's fine..."


Hanae said this with a resigned look on her face and began to put away her belongings, including those study materials, back to her bag.

During that time, she never sat back down nor made eye contact with me.

Hanae, looking ready to go, headed straight for the front door.


"Somehow, I feel bad. Next time, you know, tell me a bit earlier..."

"...Okay. I'm sorry, too. ―― Then, see you tomorrow."


Hanae replied, but she never looked at me in the eye.

Hanae didn't often get angry, but perhaps I made her this time.

Since Hanae often put me first, I should have prioritized her once in a while, too.

Still, it was a pity that it was already too late for me to regret it. Next time we meet, I would apologize properly.

I’m finally done translating. Next time, I might really just have to split up the sponsored chapters into multiple days. <(_ _)>

Also, my good old laptop of 6 years had finally started to give up. The screen started flickering at random moments all of sudden. I want to repair it, LCD screens are costly. That's why I would appreciate it if you could donate anything you could spare. 

If you can, please do go to my Ko-fi and help me out. Of course, you would also get a chapter out of it, so it's a win-win situation!

Update: The donation goal was reached, and big thanks to all who donated! Also, if you still plan on donating because you want more chapters, please don't do that! I have 20 chapters remaining in the backlog, and after I finish those, there would only be around 10 chapters left before the novel ends.


  1. Thanks for the chapter.

  2. Thanks for the chapters man, really appreciate the hard work.

  3. This Susumu guy might unlock the hidden route, which is Umi's route and turn into a gay.

    1. "If you can't find a hole, why don't just make a pole." --Teudo Susumu

  4. Thank for the chapter!

  5. man this guy is denser than a blackhole

    1. No because a blackhole (singularity) don't have a volume, so it technically has no density.
      I think it's more correct to say that he is more dense that a neuron star, which is the more dense object in the universe.

    2. You're actually incorrect in saying that a black hole has no density. While it's true that the singularity itself is often considered to have infinite density, the density of a black hole is usually calculated using the volume within its event horizon.
      The Schwarzschild radius (Rs) of a non-rotating black hole is given by:
      Rs = 2 * G * M / c^2
      - G is the gravitational constant (6.674 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2)
      - M is the mass of the black hole
      - c is the speed of light (3.00 × 10^8 m/s)

      The volume inside the event horizon is approximated as a sphere:
      V = 4/3 * pi * Rs^3
      So the density (ρ) of the black hole is:
      ρ = M / V
      = (3 * M) / (4 * pi * (2 * G * M / c^2)^3)
      = (3 * c^6) / (32 * pi * G^3 * M^2)
      From this equation, you can see that as M increases, the density decreases. This means that the largest black holes are actually much less dense than neutron stars.

      Fun fact : If a black hole had the mass of the observable universe (M ≈ 1.5 × 10^53 kg), its Schwarzschild radius would be about 130 billion light-years, which is larger than the observable universe itself.
      The density of such a black hole would be:
      ρ ≈ (3 * (3 × 10^8 m/s)^6) / (32 * pi * (6.674 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2)^3 * (1.5 × 10^53 kg)^2)
      Approximating this gives a density lower than the current average density of the universe (~10^-26 kg/m³).
      This means that, in a way, the entire observable universe could be considered a black hole...

  6. From previous chapters we know that the Player obviously choose the worst ending on purpose

  7. You know, I can't blame him for this one.

    While true, staying with her would have been the correct choice (because Umi is a bro and would understand, heck he'd encourage the decision if he knew why he didn't come) I also can't really get mad at him for keeping a promise for once. It's a shame he isn't allowed to always act honestly.

    1. But it was her first time asking something that desperately it would seem so he should have helped her for this time and inform his friend that he can't make it and they would do it another time since there is no urgency or anything

  8. The player who is playing Tendou right now is aiming for a hidden route : Become a Gay, marrying Umi.


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